Alixe Dancer
I have been dancing all of my life. Starting out in childhood with a blend of folk and modern dance, I trained primarily in Modern Dance and professionally studied many other forms. Starting college at Juilliard in 1956 I finished thirty six years later with a Masters degree in dance from the University of Oregon. I am a Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist (retired,) and enjoyed years of teaching and performing.
I bring my education, experience, aesthetics and passion to English and Scottish Country Dancing. I’m so grateful that there are people out there with whom to share it.
In 1980 Carl Wittman created a company of dancers for one season at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. “It’s a few month commitment,” he said when he was inviting me, “just take a little parenthesis in your life.” For all of us who were there that season the parenthesis is not yet closed.